Monday, 4 April 2011

More Than Studs And Leather

Is it sport, or is it a party?  Some go to watch rugby, others go to party, and those like yours truly enjoyed both. 

Yes, we’re talking about the one and only Hong Kong Sevens, the world’s biggest rugby party.

Perhaps the Saturday is more for party-goers, and the Sunday for rugby aficionados, but it all becomes somewhat blurry after a while.

Sevens rugby is not everyone’s cup of tea. There is something inherently  light-hearted about it, perhaps more akin to a game that you’d expect to see in the backyard after a barbecue, or in the school playground at lunchtime. But it does indeed grow on you, and the fitness and skill levels are unquestionably  high.

It is also the only form of rugby which is truly competitive world-wide, with teams from countries such as Canada, Portugal, Spain, and Russia performing very creditably.

Anyway, here’s a few pictures intended to capture the atmosphere at the Hong Kong 7’s, 2011, courtesy of Steve Lawie.

 The clergy got into the spirit of things.

Mr. T was there.

Team America took time out from saving the world.

 Support for the Kazakhstan team.

He claimed the Welsh are the “Reigning World champions”, but was it a load of bull? 


Miss Bubbles



Duty, Honour, Country.

The fairest of them all. 


  1. Great pics...all of the fans at the 7's series look like they are having a great time. I hope to go to the one in Las Vegas next year.

  2. Steve (who took the pictures), and I had a great day and a few beers on the Saturday. On the Sunday I returned with my young sons, who were far more serious about the rugby!
